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I am Thankful For…

In the past, for me Thanksgiving was nothing more than a day to eat a lot of food with family, but now; it has become something more.  I haven’t been home for the Thanksgiving for the last 3 years and every year I spend away from home… Read More »I am Thankful For…

Hasta Luego Tomelloso

It’s been almost a month since I have left Tomelloso and I have been meaning to write something about my experience there.  I arrived in September not knowing anybody and not knowing anything about the place the I would live and work in until June.… Read More »Hasta Luego Tomelloso


Last weekend I went to Barcelona and stayed with a friend from University of Delaware (Hannah).  Hannah has been there for the last two years and is teaching English. Luckily she was nice enough to let me stay in her place and show me around. Currently,… Read More »Barcelona