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Studying for the GRE

Studying for the GRE was exhausting, it dominated my life for the last 10 weeks and it’s all over now. I took the GRE on September 27th.  Ten weeks ago, I made the decision to take the GRE on September 27th. At the time, ETS… Read More »Studying for the GRE

Focusing on the Future

I’ve decided I want to go back to school to study architecture. It feels as if everything since University, my travels and life abroad, has led me to this decision and provided me with the experiences and self-awareness to hopefully succeed. Recently I started looking… Read More »Focusing on the Future

Life On Lockdown

Actually, there’s no lockdown in Korea and there hasn’t been one, but the title is catchier this way. It’s been nine weeks since I had shoulder surgery and I never would have imagined that I still wouldn’t have taught an English class. Last Wednesday classes… Read More »Life On Lockdown

Shoulder Surgery

I decided to get surgery on Friday, March 13th. The question of whether or not to get surgery has been an internal struggle since last year. In March I partially dislocated my left shoulder playing volleyball. I can’t remember the first incident of something like… Read More »Shoulder Surgery

Filipino Observations

When traveling to a new country I like to keep track of my unique observations about that place, some of these may be obvious to everyone while visiting, others may be less noticed and some may already be known. After five weeks in the Philippines,… Read More »Filipino Observations

Palawan Boat Tours

It’s impossible to go to Palawan and not do boat tours. The Philippines are made up of 7,641 islands most of them accessible only by boat and some of them unvisitable. My trip took me to the province of Palawan which consists of two main… Read More »Palawan Boat Tours

Under the Sea

When I told my parents I was planning on getting my scuba certification in the Philippines they were surprised because they said they’ve never heard me say it before, while that may be the case, for me, it was always something I planned to do… Read More »Under the Sea