Everybody experiences time differently, but it’d be safe to say that the three weeks I was home was a short one. It’s the first time I’ve come home in the middle of the summer and the first time I’m leaving early august. Even though this is the shortest summer home it’s still been a good one, it’s been filled with fun activities and I’ve somehow managed to cram a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. Later today I’ll be leaving for S.Korea. This is what I did this summer:
-Went out in Brooklyn with Richie to see Jaclyn’s new apartment and to go to three cool bars we’ve been talking about going to: one was a secret bar at the back of a laundromat, the second was a bar with old coin operated arcade games and the third was a bar with a taco truck inside and an antique ink printed photo booth
-Played a lot of sushi go, if you’ve never played I suggest you buy it off amazon and learn
-Played a lot of Mario party 2 on n64
-Ate an amazing vegan burger with my dad at the food market next to penn station
-Celebrated my grandmas 80th birthday with my family in south Hampton by drinking a lot
-Went to see Tonno’s new place in manhattan where we were joined by Ian who came up from D.C. for and interview and then later we went to a Yankee game joined by Tonno’s Roomate
-Went to the beach a few times
-Watched as much as I could of the new season of game of thrones as well as rewatch parts of s4 with Allie and s6 with Richie
-Read the Magicians trilogy
-Went to the Brooklyn brewery with Ian, Dave, Tonno and Richie and was later joined by my college roommate Steve and his girlfriend and then by my friend Kendall and his girlfriend who drove up from D.C and even later by Christine and her friend
-Had a barbecue at Tonno’s house
-Played more sushi go
-Had wings with my mom, dad and Allie
-Ate Mochi for the first time! As soon as I got back Allie started talking about them and she tried to get them at Trader Joe’s but they only had coffee flavored. The other day I stopped by TJ’s hoping they put more out, but they still only had coffee flavored. So Richie and I went to this big Asian store a town over and they had tons of different boxes! Mochi is a Japanese ball of ice cream thing wrapped a rice dough
-Ate Mexican food for the first time in a long time with my dad and sister and La Mesita in my town
-All you can eat and drink tapas! With a flamenco show in NYC with my sister her boyfriend and two friends. After living two years in Jerez, hearing flamenco in the city brought a tear to my eye
-Ending it all with a hibachi dinner with my family